5-year Position in Dynamics of Planetary Systems



5-year Position in Dynamics of Planetary Systems

The Physics Department of the University of Aveiro, Portugal, invites applications for an Investigator grant in "Dynamics of Planetary Systems" under the IF FCT 2013 program. Applicants can be researchers of all nationalities, who have the potential to develop innovative research and have a relevant scientific CV in Astrophysics. 



The successful applicant is expected to do research in one of the following topics: extra-solar planet searches and study, planet formation and evolution, dynamics of multi-planetary systems. The main goal is to cover both theory and observations with particular attention to the dynamics of multi-body configurations and diversity of their dynamical environments. Computational experience is required and a background in Solar System dynamics is a plus. Applications by researchers working on other research topics related to the field will also be evaluated.


Contacts and further information:

Alexandre Correia | http://sweet.ua.pt/correia/

University of Aveiro | http://www.ua.pt/research/

FCT Program | http://www.fct.pt/apoios/contratacaodoutorados/investigador-fct/2013/


The closing date for applications is 15 August 2013.