Formulário de inscrição individual na EAS

EAS Individual Membership Application Form

Formulário de Pré-Inscrição Individual na EAS

As an Affiliate Society of the European Astronomical Society (EAS), SPA members can also become EAS members for free. There are no annuities or hidden costs for the SPA members.
To apply for EAS membership, please fill the form below. Note that fields marked with * are required/mandatory.

Privacy policy concerning members’ information

Agreement to use data for EAS matters
EAS may use the members’ data for EAS-only matters, such as sending e-mails to the membership, sending the EAS newsletter, logging on the EAS website, etc. Members must provide their direct consent to use the data. The EAS will never sell or otherwise make available the members’ data to commercial or non-commercial third parties except for the EWASS partner of EAS, and then only for EWASS organisation purposes. Members that leave the EAS can request that their data be erased from the EAS database.
Agreement to publish limited subset of information online
The EAS may publish online a membership directory with a limited subset of the above information. We foresee at minimum the publication of first name, last name, title, institute, country. We may also include other information such as e-mail, affiliated society, website, and membership status. Members must provide their direct consent to have the selected information published online.
However, we will not publish any other information, in particular gender, nationality, etc. These fields will only be used in an anonymized fashion for statistical purposes. Only the EAS Office has access to these data.
e.g., Street and street number
year, N/A
please read the details above
please read the details above
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